We just ran a party of 3 through the Vox Obscura Master mission where all 3 people already had the exotic and were trying to get the catalyst.
We completed it, but had one party member die toward the end of the boss fight. They respawned themself right as we finished the boss, and it spawned him outside of the final room.
The room was locked and they couldn't enter to open the chest with us. Because of this, they didn't get the Catalyst drop and they didn't get progress on the Exotic Quest mission. Players should not be respawning outside of the boss room...
@dmg Care to respond to your broke -blam!- game?
I am said party member. I have the Tank Master Triumph confirming the completion: https://gyazo.com/4b28c7b421f68f877ff07a911d8a7798 While the exotic quest is still incomplete somehow: https://gyazo.com/dc22838a87e320038b89e91c8358db42
same here, except i did not die or spawned ouside, i simply did not get the catalyst, my two friends got it
And i did get the catalyst but not the triumph for completing the master version.