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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
3/10/2022 6:31:39 PM

Hello Guardians, here is Weapon Crafting 2.0.

*this assumes 100% of future weapons are craftable* The New System: -Red box weapon drops. -Use Red box weapon to extract Neural Element AND the weapon’s Pattern **Adroit Element, Mutable Element, Energetic Element, Ruinous Element, are ALL DEPRECATED and instead only Neural Element, Resonant Alloy, & Ascendant Alloy are used.** -Dismantling legendaries grants Resonant Alloy, which is used for 3rd n 4th column perks, -Dismantling **wild** Exotic weapon drops grants Ascendant Alloy, used for enhanced perks. -Once extracted, take weapon to Forge and you can immediately shape *that* exact weapon. -More perks and barrels/mags/etc unlocked the more you use that weapon. -Gun is fully masterworked at lvl 15, and all enhanced perks unlocked at lvl 20. -Every 20 lvls you can choose an additional minor stat boost. -Guns level caps at 100. -Reshape costs are half of normal costs, and once gun is lvl 20 it can be reshaped without loosing Masterwork bonuses. (Enhanced perks still cost 1 Alloy) Additional Changes: -Neural element cap raised to 250,000 -Resonant Alloy cap raised to 1000 -Ascendant Alloy cap raised to 20 *again, these are the only currencies* -No more “3 or 5 extractions to receive weapon pattern”. Pattern is obtained after 1st extraction. -Everyone’s happier :) P.S.- Raise Psychogenic Intel cap to like 10,000

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