I'm running the game on the highest graphics quality (also 1920 x 1080 resolution). The screenshots show that I have 2x 8gb rams but one of them is unused(faulty ram or motherboard socket I guess), so I have 8gb of memory. I usually get 50-60 fps but I experience minor freezing (takes around 0.3 sec) from time to time.
It takes so long to load up the inventory (whenever I open it), or launch any activity/destination. That's when I'm getting the error, can't join any activities. I guess I'm experiencing these issues because of memory shortage, 8gb ain't enough to run this at max settings it would seem... but I can play other similar games with almost no problems (that freezing is unavoidable). Wonder if its just about Destiny.
I have an ethernet cable and our internet is fine, I'm definitely sure that there are no problems on our end, besides I wasn't experiencing this (beet) before upgrading my graphics card and ram. I can handle the freezing and inventory loading issues, but I can't just keep doing public events for the rest of my life. [url]https://pasteboard.co/UYdjHeYOrwf7.jpg[/url] [url]https://pasteboard.co/IN5cHKdlObwe.jpg[/url] [url]https://pasteboard.co/TzkBsghuN9DW.jpg[/url] [url]https://pasteboard.co/YQFffDCqWV7V.jpg[/url]
Edited by Crisidelm: 2/10/2022 8:01:50 PMActually it loks like your RAM is working okay; I see 16GByets in dual channel configuration being correctly reported. Your video card has 8GB of VRAM onboard, which is also fine.