[u][b]Clan name[/b][/u]: Iron Wolves Ro
[u][b]Systems[/b][/u]: All Platforms/Crossplay
[u][b]Language[/b][/u] : Romanian (Is a must to speak romanian)
[u] [b]Our groups[/b][/u]
[b]ClanEvents:[/b] [url]https://clanevents.net/WOLF/Members[/url]
[b]Steam :[/b] [url]https://steamcommunity.com/groups/d2ironwolvesro[/url]
[b]SubReddit :[/b] [url]https://www.reddit.com/r/IronWolvesRo[/url]
[b]FACEBOOK : [/b] [url]https://www.facebook.com/Iron-Wolves-Ro-106353574859531[/url]
[b]Twitter :[/b] [url]https://twitter.com/IronWolveRo[/url]
[b]Youtube :[/b] [url]https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoR33yDi2Na6VuaJlFsP84w[/url]
[b]WebSite :[/b] http://ironwolves.ro
We are a small pack of Carpathian veteran wolves, with a great passion for Destiny 2 and its universe.
If you share our passion and want to join the pack, whether or not you have experience with the game, here's what we'll offer in return:
- A cheerful group full of nice people, ready to help wherever you got stuck
- Wolves for weekly raids with a mix between experienced people (sherpas) and people with less experience. Super chill atmosphere.
- Wolves for PVP, whether it's Trials, Survival or Iron Banner. We have people eager to team up with you.
- Wolves for Master Nightfall and other high difficulty end-game activities.
- Discord Server Level 3 (boosted) + auto roles + self assign + CLAN EVENTS for events
[b]If you like the sound of this and you want to join the pack, here’s what we expect from you:[/b]
- Involvement (activity) on the Discord server, where we have dedicated channels on various topics of interest.
- In-game activities and interaction with clan members.
[u][i][b](Discord is highly encouraged if you like to make with us :raids/gm/pvp/end-game ...etc)[/b][/i][/u]
That's all!
If you are a cool guardian do us a favor and [b]Upvote[/b] this comment
This keeps us trending, so more guardians can join us.
[b]Would you like to join?[/b]
[u][b]You can find more details on our Discord server :[/b][/u] [url]https://discord.gg/iron-wolves[/url]
(IN ORDER TO JOIN THE CLAN YOU MUST JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER FIRST - where you will find more details about us)
If you are stuck, do not hesitate to use #support-ticket - from our server
it's more fun to hunt in the pack than alone
The best clan you can join!
join our clan, guardian!
Wolve pack for life.Be part of it
the Pack is cool.
Come run with the pack
[quote][u][b]Clan name[/b][/u]: Iron Wolves Ro [u][b]Systems[/b][/u]: All Platforms/Crossplay [u][b]Language[/b][/u] : Romanian (Is a must to speak romanian) [u] [b]Our groups[/b][/u] [b]ClanEvents:[/b] [url]https://clanevents.net/WOLF/Members[/url] [b]Steam :[/b] [url]https://steamcommunity.com/groups/d2ironwolvesro[/url] [b]SubReddit :[/b] [url]https://www.reddit.com/r/IronWolvesRo[/url] [b]FACEBOOK : [/b] [url]https://www.facebook.com/Iron-Wolves-Ro-106353574859531[/url] [b]Twitter :[/b] [url]https://twitter.com/IronWolveRo[/url] [b]Youtube :[/b] [url]https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoR33yDi2Na6VuaJlFsP84w[/url] [b]WebSite :[/b] http://ironwolves.ro We are a small pack of Carpathian veteran wolves, with a great passion for Destiny 2 and its universe. If you share our passion and want to join the pack, whether or not you have experience with the game, here's what we'll offer in return: - A cheerful group full of nice people, ready to help wherever you got stuck - Wolves for weekly raids with a mix between experienced people (sherpas) and people with less experience. Super chill atmosphere. - Wolves for PVP, whether it's Trials, Survival or Iron Banner. We have people eager to team up with you. - Wolves for Master Nightfall and other high difficulty end-game activities. - Discord Server Level 3 (boosted) + auto roles + self assign + CLAN EVENTS for events [b]If you like the sound of this and you want to join the pack, here’s what we expect from you:[/b] - Involvement (activity) on the Discord server, where we have dedicated channels on various topics of interest. - In-game activities and interaction with clan members. [u][i][b](Discord is highly encouraged if you like to make with us :raids/gm/pvp/end-game ...etc)[/b][/i][/u] That's all! If you are a cool guardian do us a favor and [b]Upvote[/b] this comment This keeps us trending, so more guardians can join us. [b]Would you like to join?[/b] [u][b]You can find more details on our Discord server :[/b][/u] [url]https://discord.gg/iron-wolves[/url] (IN ORDER TO JOIN THE CLAN YOU MUST JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER FIRST - where you will find more details about us) If you are stuck, do not hesitate to use #support-ticket - from our server[/quote] Come and join the funn
Once you enter the gates of the clan you receive a warm welcome followed by " wanna play something ". Everybody is up and eager to play activities together to further conquer this Season and reach the max rank. People are often here , ready to help you with activities and explain how each works . People offer respect before anything else and are welcoming , courteous and friendly. The pack is here for you , fresh cub ! Recommended !
Yo, join our crib!
very good organized clan
nice clan
we hav scooby snacks ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Very organized and welcoming community, join us
Just join. We have cookies. And sirloins. And good spirit.
Don't walk alone, always with the pack
Edited by BlackHamm3r81: 1/23/2022 6:03:15 AM[u][b]D2 Romanian Community[/b][/u] Proiectul a fost inițiat cu scopul de a unii comunitățile de pe toate platformele într-un singur loc, pentru a ne -blam!- bucura împreună de jocul pe care îl îndrăgim. Fără să conteze clanul în care vă aflați. Un loc în care să ne simțim bine împreună departe de problemele zilnice de la muncă , scoală ...etc. Joc din 2017 destiny 2 și mereu am întâlnit membri care se plângeau că nu au cu cine să facă activități că acel clan în care se află nici nu îi bagă în seamă clanul le cere activitate zilnică sau saptămânală Oare conteză clanul în care te aflii? Oare îți poate interzice cineva să te simți bine în jocul pe care îl îndragești? Pe care ti l-ai cumpărat singur/singură... Oare nu ne ajunge stresul zilnic în care trăim? Am uitat să fim oameni , să ne bucurăm de cel mai mic dar primit de la cineva drag. În această comunitate Ura este interisă , comentariile toxice deasemenea . în această comunitate toți suntem egali. Dacă sunteți în căutare unui Fireteam sau vreți doar să cunoașteți oameni noi, vă invităm să vă alăturați serverului nostru de Discord. Pentru cele mai noi știri despre joc, rămâneți pe pagina noastră de Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/groups/destiny2romania Scopul nostru este să vă ținem la curent cu tot ce este Destiny 2 chiar aici, fără a fi nevoie să părăsiți Discord-ul. Pentru început, vom distribui știri, actualizări, note de corecție și articole de asistență cu scopul de a extinde funcționalitatea acestui server în viitor. Steam : https://steamcommunity.com/groups/D2RomanianCommunity Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/D2RomanianCommunity Amintiți-vă să fiți întotdeauna înțelegători unul cu celălalt.