These mods only further amplify an issue introduced with holders tbh. Nobody uses them because there is no room on armor to support the sheer energy cost and their inferiority over scav mods.
It’s going to be the same here, nobody wants to remove finders since they are just too superior. If the mod worked for all guns then maybe but they will only work for specific elements which is even worse since MAX 2 guns will make orbs.
Although the artefact change is good, it’s another 1 step forward and 2 steps back with the orb nerf…
Edited by Noiztm: 1/14/2022 12:30:16 AMWhat everyone here seems to assume is that the mods will be the only way to drop orbs... now I may have misread something but nowhere did I see them state that MW weapons will no longer drop needing the mod seems very temporary. Personally I simply MW my weapons just for orb sake (I fall into the category of more then will ever use) now, it appears that I will be able to put on the mod to test whether it's worth even MWing. I see it similar to D1 when you had to use a gun to open up everything or you could spend the currency to upgrade it. Now you can pop the mod on in a regular as$ Lost Sector to test your gun while making orbs, I don't see it as an endgame build mod but a way to test stuff until we make a decision or can afford to MW it. All that providing MW weapons still drop orbs. *EDIT my bad, reread it (was at work the first time). Could be worse than I thought. Sorry