These mods only further amplify an issue introduced with holders tbh. Nobody uses them because there is no room on armor to support the sheer energy cost and their inferiority over scav mods.
It’s going to be the same here, nobody wants to remove finders since they are just too superior. If the mod worked for all guns then maybe but they will only work for specific elements which is even worse since MAX 2 guns will make orbs.
Although the artefact change is good, it’s another 1 step forward and 2 steps back with the orb nerf…
Bungie, please, dont do this, 90% of the TWAB was great news, but this just sours it. with Match game the way it is, forcing us to use a single element type, slowing super regen, its just gonna make the game drag on. and how about primary weapons? do we need to take osmosis now? cos that will probably never happen. leave the masterwork to generate orbs, if people want to generate orbs from non-masterwork, then this mod can serve that, but dont penalize those that master work their weapons.