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1/13/2022 6:13:07 PM

Orb mods are highly unnecessary and will hurt the game more than help it.

These mods only further amplify an issue introduced with holders tbh. Nobody uses them because there is no room on armor to support the sheer energy cost and their inferiority over scav mods. It’s going to be the same here, nobody wants to remove finders since they are just too superior. If the mod worked for all guns then maybe but they will only work for specific elements which is even worse since MAX 2 guns will make orbs. Although the artefact change is good, it’s another 1 step forward and 2 steps back with the orb nerf…

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  • Ok. Do you know how much energy everything is gonna cost? Do you know how many mod slots we’ll have? No? It might actually work to our benefit but you just can’t wait to complain about something you don’t know.

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    • Hi everyone,I hope you are well,I am seeing the reactions based on the orbs and I have to say that I understand the community,but let's face it,I am not seeing anyone canceling their witch queen reservations,the change will come and therefore we will have to adapt to it,like it or not,we already know that when they make a decision they stick to it,plus the player base is not going to drop so much for them to take action,therefore,it is sad but we have to accept it whether we like it or not.

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      • I seriously don't understand how they can go so long and we have to keep telling them over and over: if it isn't broke don't fix it. Yet they -blam!- up and make it worse every single time without fail.

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      • Honestly? New expansion always does a big sandbox shake up. So I was expecting something "controversial" And the new weapon crafting? That's another big change. I'll form an opinion when I've had some experience with the new crafting & mods & artifacts.

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      • You're missing the main, and most crucial point: they're proving, over and over, that you'll continue to pay them for any transgression they choose to oppress you with. It wouldn't surprise me that they have the full endorsement/backing of the fossil fuel industry, and palm scratching politicians who are getting fat off of viral ignorance - innocent or wonton.

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      • Agreed this is a very bad change now this will hurt tons of builds wasted mod slot to create orbs of power nobody asked for this

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      • Edited by Grim Thimble: 1/13/2022 10:25:40 PM
        Could not agree with you more. How is using a much needed armor mod slot an improvement to generating orbs here? Master-working weapons was not that big a deal. Make exotic catalyst implementation better.

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      • Edited by T_rar: 1/13/2022 9:09:52 PM
        I get where their head is at but yeah we already have very hard decisions to make build crafting in a very congested mod system. Making orb generation a mod is going to mean a lot less orbs floating around. Another poster suggested it should have been on the ghost, which would have made way more sense. Edit: another issue I have with the change is, why masterwork guns now? The stat bump is almost insignificant, everyone did it for the orbs. They need to make up for what was lost on masterworked weapons.

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        2 Replies
        • I cant believe the ridiculous spin that was put into the twab to try and give it reasoning. I'm amazed that whomever wrote the twab could even locate the keyboard considering how blind they are. The only thing that would make sense is if they just are ignorant to the point of being an invalid. Shame on the devs and the special case who wrote the twab.

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        • I'm blown away at what a bad idea this is. Just to add to your reasoning, they've recently made orbs of power significantly worse - they barely even add super energy. I can't imagine anyone master working legendaries or using these worthless mods.

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        • Let's not overlook the impact this change will bring to CwL builds..

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        • Idiotic change that so far only hurts player build crafting. Same bullcrap that altered my current builds with the subclass and ability changes no one asked for. This is not how to sell an expansion.

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        • Definitely seems like a unanimously disliked change. Hoping they see and recognize the community sentiment around this and understand it’s a bad change. Crossing my fingers they find a better way before witch queen to implement this instead of leaving it as-is

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        • Bump, not a fan of how limiting the new system will end up being

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        • Really dont care anymore to be honest

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        • Bungo sucks big time

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        • Worst change they've made since launching D2

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        • Bungie: ok….we hear you folks, as Witch Queen releases we’re retiring Scavenger and Finder mods and increasing the drop rate of Special and heavy ammo bricks a bit

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        • Edited by Bathycolpian: 1/13/2022 7:26:00 PM
          Agree, 100%. We already struggle with the limited light on each armor piece for which mods we want to use, and sacrifice one in favor or another, or two others. So not only are we losing a socket, we're wasting a currently unspecified number of light allowed on the armor AND it's going to apply [u][b][i]only[/i][/b][/u] to weapons of the same elemental damage type? What? I've been looking forward to weapon crafting but [b]this is a terrible, terrible idea[/b]. Now, if you create a socket specifically for this mod, the mod costs 0 light, and applies to ALL weapons? That would be a hell of an improvement!

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        • Ord mods suck seriously

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        • HUGE NERF. Only thing that can redeem it is if weapon crafting truly applies to ALL weapons. But judging by the fact they have already implemented new and special crafting systems for Raid and Trials weapons I HIGHLY doubt the system will replace it and extend to those weapons. So basically it will be the same as farming preferred perks on mediocre weapon pools. Much like season of the Hunt, Splicer weapons etc. But we gave up generating orbs throughout the loadout and a mod slot to get it. Not an even trade AT ALL.

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        • This is the best damn thing to happen to CwL and you ungrateful chucklef*cks are COMPLAINING? Holy sh*t. [spoiler]im kidding, this actually is a terrible change.

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          • All depends on the cost of the mod and if there are any changes to mod cost in general. Artifice armor will help also.

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          • I’m currently seething and in dire need of a massive tank of copium

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          • This is a great change. Bungie finally has a vision for their game and you should let them enact it before complaining. If I was in charge, no guns would make orbs.

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            • Edited by hate n payne: 1/13/2022 6:42:37 PM
              They need to remove the “same infinity or elemental burn” nonsense. Just another limitation for a game that is meant to be a RPG. This is the reason why Elemental Wells can’t reach their max potential because you have to match the same elemental type.

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