Please explain why I would now use a weapon that:
- does less damage than a heavy weapon (1000 voices), but has the SAME charge time
- less range than an archetype with a FASTER charge time (precisions)
- less pave DPS than any other archetype
- and that requires more accuracy than any other archetype in the game after bolt changes
Bungie, these things are utterly useless and outclassed in 99% of situations now.
Please revert the nerf.
I wouldn’t say revert the nerf, but the low impacts have now taken their place as the irritating vwoop machines. 1000 CR definitely needs a small buff maybe reduced by 40 or 50 but the range is fine. I can tolerate a main ingredient, but Cartesian/NC/Trinary System archetype is stupid. Also, take out under pressure on fusions across the board. It is a dumb perk with broken functionality in crucible where you start with 2 shots.