By show of hands who exactly ever has 6k or more bright dust in their dust purse? Personally I can't ever seem to keep the dust on me. My Max is always around 4k but that's only because on rare occasions I forget it exist and take breaks quite frequently. I also feel like the bright dust we get to earn outside of an event like dawning is pretty low.
Like right now how much bright dust do you have or think you have?
You'll also notice anyone who says they have a big hoard of it usually don't spend it at all, so anyone saying they have 20k+ and that the system is fine aren't spending any bright dust in the first place.
I have between 4K and 8k but only buy armour ornaments and shaders because the rest of the stuff in there is the most worthless crap
30k and I buy everything I like. I was at 80k before the bright dust changes, so I'm slowly going back to 0 I guess.
85k , i just buy only what i like
The Dawning weeklies on all three characters can be done in roughly 20 mins. That’s 3600 BD over the event. My best advice is to only buy Armor ornaments and ornaments for guns you use often. Sparrows, Ghosts and Emotes will milk you.
39,000 Bright Dust here. The secret? Stop spending it on worthless things and be choosy about what you spend it on. Like all that ugly Dinosaur armor that no one will ever wear again and spent tons on. All of the pointless emotes that cost thousands. All of the Sparrows that fail compared to AoT. Choose what you spend it on carefully.
Around 10K for me, but I'm gonna have quite a bit more when I get around to doing the dawning stuff.
34,251 Bright Dust
I don’t [spoiler]But that’s because I already bought this years ornament set for my main[/spoiler] [spoiler]And another one that I hadn’t gotten previously[/spoiler][spoiler]Because Dawning makes it easy as hell to farm bright dust[/spoiler]
Pretty sure I’m currently sitting on close to 80k bright dust right now, and that’s after purchasing the Lucent Night ornament sets on all three characters.