Please explain why I would now use a weapon that:
- does less damage than a heavy weapon (1000 voices), but has the SAME charge time
- less range than an archetype with a FASTER charge time (precisions)
- less pave DPS than any other archetype
- and that requires more accuracy than any other archetype in the game after bolt changes
Bungie, these things are utterly useless and outclassed in 99% of situations now.
Please revert the nerf.
Unless they do double damage to what they are doing now, not worth it in any activity.
Wait so you want a special to be stronger than a heavy?
Edited by Kiro - 13: 12/30/2021 5:42:30 PMTested an array of Glacioclasm in pvp. It is indeed worse 21m kill range the same as pulg one or the main ingredient xur sold a few months back. This makes it flat out worse because both of these weapons have a lower charge time. In pve however theirs some talk of slide shot & reservoir burst. RB is 25% damage increase, now is it better then cartesian, no. But its decent. Going foward though all this is irrelvant because fusion are trash with out particle deconstruction. How could they fix this, well 2 options. First is give all FR particle deconstruction post season of the lost but have it cap at 20% vs the current 40%. Or give 1k voices a catalyst that gives particle deconstruction also caping at 20%. The first would be a big swing, the later option with 1k would be to give the weapon some more end game relevancy/utility.
Would a 850-900 base charge time be ok? I think that as long as they have a longer charge than all the others, even if it is just by a bit, it would be fine.
Because shotgun apes couldn't handle getting fusion'd by someone they were running directly towards and whined about it
Yeah, the charge time is a real gut punch to high-impacts. I can even finish a Rick Kackis intro by the time they've finished charging. Once we lose Particle Deconstruction, I'm expecting HI fusions to drop off a ton in PvE and PvP if they haven't already.
Edited by Bear: 12/31/2021 11:40:03 AMI’ve never been a great fan of fusions in general. They take up the 15-30m range that should be dominated by primaries. It’s incredibly frustrating to play against a fusion user who never once uses a primary. Of course the same can be said about shotguns (in terms of spam) but thanks to the variety of adjustments they are less forgiving than ever in D2.
I have been using the Glaciocasm(sp?) and half the time I let the trigger go before it even fires because I’m so used to the Cartesian charge time lol
I think the 1000 charge time should stay the same as well as the 5 bolts. But they should change the fire rate of the bolts. The bolts should fire one at a time with extra range and accuracy. The fire rate should be equivalent of a 200rpm scout. Slow charge time but once the gun is cranked then the bolts fly fast and hard
as opposed to what? 1k can also kill you, and it's in the heavy slot with 1/2 to 1/3 of the ammo capacity. If you don't like it, use a faster charging one, like Null Composure. Not all fusions are going to be perfect just because you, me, or anyone else want it to be. Comparing charge times is like comparing RPM between a weapon in the heavy slot vs energy - they have two different functions
Edited by Smokey1322: 12/31/2021 2:19:04 AMDon't worry.Once Bungie realizes they are getting no use they will nerf Rapid Fire Fusions and buff High Impact Fusions.Ah the way the meta circle goes.We don't play the way we want,we play the way bungie wants us to play.Hence why there will never be any balance in this game yet I still grind it every day.You win again Bungie
Edited by jesushorses: 12/30/2021 9:04:33 AMYeah give this guy what he wants but you will need to also undo the shotgun range nerfs. Also while we’re going back in time undo the 140 sniper nerf as well. Oh and unsunset everything. Get the mountaintop back up in this -blam!-, pure chaos!
And less bolts. 5 is it now? They are useless in PvP now. Gallant charge was my number one special. I had more kills with that than any other weapon. It’s just a waste of vault slot now.
You could reload Zaouli's Bane in the time it takes to charge Glacioclasm.
I wouldn’t say revert the nerf, but the low impacts have now taken their place as the irritating vwoop machines. 1000 CR definitely needs a small buff maybe reduced by 40 or 50 but the range is fine. I can tolerate a main ingredient, but Cartesian/NC/Trinary System archetype is stupid. Also, take out under pressure on fusions across the board. It is a dumb perk with broken functionality in crucible where you start with 2 shots.
I’m truly not trying to be a jerk, but if high impact fusions are outclassed in every way, then why not embrace a different gun? I kind of enjoy when things get nerfed or even sunset. It forces me to change what I do and adapt to different weapons or play styles. It was a sad day when I retired erentil but it had to be done.
Charge time master work + accelerated coils is the only option now imo
Blame Omar
yeah pretty gross hey, ruins a few potentially good weapons.
What charge time, thing fires like butter
Edited by hate n payne: 12/30/2021 4:23:50 AMIt was unnecessary and it could have been handled in a much different way. Reduce the AA cone or increase the flinch from primaries. Make it easier to hit from a distance but harder to hit from close range. Bungie needs to really look at several different avenues of adjustments before entertaining nerfs that make outliers even more of a problem.
People pouted. Bungie caved. Funny thing is pvp was much better when erentil was making the kids throw a tantrum. Sbmm was the answer then, and it's the answer now... But sure... Listen to streamers cry. Streamers are happy with pvp right now. What does that tell you about their priorities?
Thank the pvp players that cant adapt. Charge time would have been fine at 800 with the reduced bolts. May aswell remove the HI fusion archetype from the game with the current garbage tuning on them
And yet another coin the bucket to why PvP in a looter-shooter, MMO is a terrible idea. Everything getting balanced to cater to multiplayer backfires in every other avenue (never mind the fact that 'tuning' in Bungie's eyes means tanking a weapon into the ground, making it utterly useless).
The nerf should stay in pvp but be reversed for pve.