If you are looking for clan to join I present you [b]Ohiampujat[/b] we are group of friends who love playing Destiny 2 .
We are looking for new members and you can be a Destiny veteran of a new player, everyone's welcome. We can do gm's with you or teach you the raids If you haven't done any of them before or just hop in for some crucible games. The point is that we are nice and open minded people who are looking for more fellow Finnish Guardians to enjoy this master piece of a game with.
Just comment bellow and I will invite you.
Moro. Voisin liittyä tähän.
Moi, sain kutsun klaaniin (kiitos!) mutta olen jo pienessä tutun porukan klaanissa. Kiinnostaisi kuitenkin end game PVE-aktiviteetit mihin ei omasta porukasta aina löydy power leveliä tai sitoutuneisuutta. GM Nightfallit jne. Onko mahdollista hypätä teidän fireteameihin vaikka ei klaanibannerin alla olisikaan?
So are you speaking finnish or english normally? I live in Finland but i dont speak finnish yet so i had to ask hahah