Most weapons in D2 aren’t worth using. Shocked?! Me too! However, if they refilled the weapons system to a Borderlands style build, then it would make getting that special weapon all kinds of satisfying (not to mention make more sense). It’s already similar with the different foundries, just throw in Cabal, VEX, and Hive and it gives variety and context! Think about it; wouldn’t it be awesome to kill a Hive, then pick up a special variety of launcher they just dropped and start killing the other hive?! Or to have a weapon with a bayonets (Monte Carlo) dramatically increase your melee damage and range?
Just an idea; what are your thoughts people?!
It’s a great idea but Bungie has limits on themselves and what all they will do. For instance, Reckoning was removed for two reasons. Players had issues with it and Bungie didn’t like making content that was challenging for our power level at the time. One such design was spawning enemies behind you. Now to me, that wasn’t a “problem” in Reckoning except on the bridge but hey that’s what team work is about. It was more of a bottleneck challenge, a badly setup team might have trouble.