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Edited by TheDaBombs: 11/29/2021 12:45:48 AM

Guided Games Needs Some Guidance

As the title says, I think the Guided Games feature in Destiny 2 needs some guidance. Out of everything in this game that needs updates or better incentivization, I personally feel Guided Games deserves them the most. There have been lots of updates that have been made to this game to game modes and systems within this game (the latest updates being for Trials), but with Guided Games the only updates we have gotten are to how certain Guided Games related emblems are obtained and the additional Guided Games options that were added for Raid releases. To add on to this, the Guided Games feature within Destiny 2 has been classified as a Beta for over 4 years now. At this rate, I personally feel as though Guided Games may never come out of Beta. If you were to ask players when the last time they did a Guided Games was, they would most likely tell you that they haven't done one ever or it has been months since they've last done one. I personally have asked a friend of mine who has played the game since Forsaken if they wanted to do a Guided Games Raid at some point, and they had no idea what I was referring to. If you were to queue up as a Seeker within Guided Games, the matchmaking estimate usually says its pairing will take an "unknown" amount of time. The reasoning behind this is likely due to a lack of player base actively doing these Guided Games. [u][b]Why isn't the Guided Games playlist actively used within the community? [/b][/u] - The biggest indicator would be that [b]there are currently better alternatives for matching up with other players[/b], like Bungie's own Fireteam option within their website, or other various LFG websites. Because of how active those alternatives are used, the player base is most likely going to pick those options over an in-game option that doesn't know when it'll have you match up with a Clan. - [b]Seekers get a limited amount of Tickets[/b] that allow them to queue up for Guided Games. If you're only able to do Guided Games a select amount of times rather than however many times you'd like to do that activity, it obviously would be a better option not to waste your Tickets and use a free option like other LFG websites. - [b]Hosts of a Guided Game need to have at least 3 other clanmates with them to gain access to hosting these activities.[/b] There is a good reason for needing 3 people to Host as Guided Games was essentially made as a way of guiding newcomers of a given activity. However, this becomes an issue for matchmaking as there is a steep requirement to get a Guided Games activity started in the first place. - [b]The requirements for Hosting a Guided Game are unclear within Destiny 2[/b], but is clear on Bungie Help. [url=]Quote from the Bungie Help article regarding Guided Games[/url]: [i]"...half of the Guide Fireteam must be composed of members from the same Clan (i.e. 3 and 4 player Fireteams must have at least 2 Clan members; a 6 player Fireteam must have at least 3 Clan Members)."[/i] When you are in-game, however, it states that you need clanmates to Host a Guided Game. This miscommunication makes players feel as though you [i]need[/i] every person on your fireteam to be part of the Clan you're in, which then turns people away from attempting to Host a Guided Game. - [b]There are little to no incentives to Host a Guided Game.[/b] Aside from exclusive emblems that you may only get from completing encounters as a Host of Guided Games, there is no real incentive as a Host to pick Guided Games over other LFG options. You don't get more loot from completing the Raid, it is just like a normal Raid. So... there are better options for finding people to Raid. You are spending more time to find a matchup within Guided Games in comparison to other LFG services. Finally, you're picking a mode that is focused on teaching newcomers how to do a team-oriented activity with no relevant loot incentives for Clans that spend the time to actually teach the newcomers. Why choose Guided Games over other LFG services? [u][b]Here are some changes I would suggest implementing to Guided Games[/b][/u] - [b]Get rid of the Tickets system for Seekers. [/b]I feel as though there is no real reason as to why there is a cap to how many times you can Seek, and it only hinders Guided Games matchmaking. - [b]Make the description in-game more clear[/b] as to what ratio of Clanmates to Fireteam size you need to start Hosting Guided Games. Most people don't know you only need 2 Clanmates in a Fireteam size of 4 to start Hosting a Guided Games so emphasize that. - Opinion: [b]Make Guided Games loot drop separately from the normal version of said activity.[/b] Much like how the loot you get from Master difficulty of Vault of Glass is separated from Legend difficulty, make it so that Guided Games allows - Opinion: Guided Games used to be available for Nightfalls before Bungie changed Nightfalls to how they are now with Champions. Maybe [b]make it so that you can do Guided Game Grandmaster Nightfalls[/b] where the Host needs 2 players in their Fireteam. Why have a Nightfall Oathkeeper Score present in the Clan page in the Character Screen if there aren't any Guided Games Nightfalls? - Opinion: Speaking of Oathkeeper Scores... if you know anything about them, it rates how well the Host Clan sticks to doing Guided Games activities and how often they complete them. Putting an emphasis on this Oathkeeper Score and [b]awarding Clans that have high Oathkeeper scores with loot incentives at the end of a Season[/b] would be very nice. If the Clan can get a new Clan Banner each season for reaching max Clan Rank, why not incentivize getting a max Oathkeeper Score? Examples of loot incentives that I can think of: Bright Dust, Eververse Engrams, a new Emblem per season for reaching max Oathkeeper Score, an exclusive Emote for reaching max Oathkeeper Score, an exclusive Shader for reaching max Oathkeeper Score. I like the premise of Guided Games. Newcomers that are interested in trying the harder team-oriented activities should have an optimistic, helping hand willing to guide them through these activities. The more people that experience the pinnacle Destiny 2 experience, the better. However, Guided Games as it is currently hinders that core idea and adds more convolution than needed. Why make things more difficult for Seekers who just want to experience a Raid for their first time, and why not give those willing to teach newcomers a reason to choose Guided Games over other LFG options? Let me know what you all think

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