I'm thankful to have been a part of the Destiny community for 5 years now! Still loads of fun left to be had and new people to meet! I know that not everyone may feel the same way I do, but that's ok. Whether you love Destiny or hate it, or have mixed emotions about it, remember to count your blessings and be true to yourself. Be thankful for what you have. I realize that Thanksgiving is not an international holiday, but that shouldn't stop you from expressing thanks. Spend time with family and friends, have fun, play some Destiny.
Thank you for reading.
Happy thanksgiving guardians! In my crib, we have a thanksgiving tradition, we say what we are thankful for in the past year. So here's mine. I'm thankful for not playing this game anymore. It feels so good not throwing all that wasted time and money. I'm thankful for other better games that I've played this year. Feels sooooo good! I'm so thankful that there are other better studios with devs that care for the gamers' investments and make their game as best as it could be for the gamers. Thank you for all the other better games out there and to the devs that make them. May the upcoming year be full of them so we can give thanks again for the other better games next year. I think that's it for now. Oh, and thank you for the turkey leg I'm holding and eating right now. And the beer on my other hand. And to good friends!!! Yes, to all the guardian friends and family that I have, that are not playing this game anymore. Thank you! Cheers!🍻