Hi, D2 community. I recently made a post (On veterans day, link above) to add an emblem or an event or something like that and posted it in #Destiny2
No other posts about this got moved, instead some bot message was slapped on and the post was locked for some reason. A little while after I posted my post it got moved to g-d knows where and I got the message in spoilers saying "This has been moved to a different topic" meaning that YOU CANT EDIT IT. And guess what? They took away all my tags so when you tried to comment or like or anything it would say that it needs a tag to be valid, but since no one can edit the post, I couldn't add tags.
Use this tag to make Bungie not bad anymore! Put it with your story of how they wronged you:
Hi, The public forums are not for discussion about individual Code of Conduct violations or moderator actions. Feel free to message myself or another Ninja if you have questions or concerns over your own threads / posts. Thanks.
Bungie clearly hates veterans
I don't disagree with supporting vets, but how come so many people, such as yourself, are all of the sudden so concerned with Veteran's Day just because the release of the Be True emblem just happened to coincide with Veteran's Day? Many people are hating on and harassing the trans community under the guise of supporting vets. Would you have had the same reaction if the emblem were released on any other day of the year? I apologize if I sounded too harsh, but I find difficult to believe your outrage is genuine.