Bungie, I absolutely detest VOG at this point. Raiding since week 1 and I have not gotten Vex.
I have spent such a long time playing VOG that up till last week I had 20/23 of the Fate Breaker Seal completed, then after getting a few clanmates to help I was 22/23 completed on the Seal.
While I alone don't even get to see how bad this gun was at launch, now I've lost at least 2 months in what is Vex's golden age in Destiny 2. Now that Vex is going to get nerfed I'll probably never get vex until that point or get it when there's no point in enjoying how powerful it is now.
You know, I intended to go and get Fatebreaker's Pin from the Bungie Store, but with how bad my luck is I'll spend too long searching for Vex in VOG that the pin would be long retired. It's ironic that my luck is so bad I can't even throw money at bungie, and no point buying the Vex Ornament because after all this time I don't even own the gun.
Bungie, if you are truly going to nerf Vex Mythoclast at least give it Bad Luck Protection, some sort of Minimal Clears to give it or even a guaranteed drop of it if the rest of the FateBreaker Seal is completed. Bad Luck Protection should be present in every raid. While I am lucky to have friends to speedrun the raid with and still fail to get this exotic, there are probably more unlucky players failing to get this gun while suffering through LFG.
[b]I've given VOG my time, more than it deserves and every week I fail to get it I hate VOG even more.[/b]
It will happen took 96 tries for eyes and 80 for vex just need that luck.So I know your pain best of luck with getting it.