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Clan Recruitment

Look for Clans or seek new members.
Edited by Gio Luigi64: 6/5/2018 4:48:44 AM

Advertise your Clan here!

You are free to advertise your clan here! Post members and info for the people to see! Make sure to post your requirements and a link! I'll post my description for mine but it's not open to the public We are potatoes and our mission is to kill all the aliens– DAKKOOOOOOOO' Clan Admins: [Scroll Down] Gio Luigi64: Male Human Titan Level 8 158 Defense Primary: Shingen-C [55 Attack] |Auto Rifle| Special: Copperhead Mk. 32 [62 Attack] |Shotgun| Heavy: Sargon-C [55 Attack] |Machine Gun| GsN Fanboy: Male Exo Titan Level 8 157 Defense Primary: Shingen-C [62 Attack] |Auto Rifle| Special: Trajan-C [57 Attack] |Sniper Rifle| Heavy: Sargon-C [55 Attack] |Machine Gun| PastaSauceGirl: Female Human Titan Level 8 138 Defense Primary: Shingen-C [51 Attack] |Auto Rifle| Special: Gozen-C [57 Attack] |Sniper Rifle| Heavy: Sargon-C [51 Attack] |Machine Gun| Edit 6/4/18: woah people are still using this? What? That's wild, I haven't been on my account in 4 years.

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  • [u]Greetings![/u] We are Azure Infinitum, a multi-game clan and community brand that has just opened our Destiny 2 clan and are seeking new members to join the [b]AZURE WARDENS! <AZUR>[/b] [b]Clan Link/JOIN HERE!:[/b] [url][/url] [b]Activity & Growth[/b] We have about 25 players so far and building, who're moderately active throughout the week, and we're seeking YOU and others to join us for spoils and glory under the Azure skies! [b]Events[/b] Azure Wardens runs a weekly clan event every week where we run strikes, seasonals, nightfall, pvp and more! Things are somewhat simple at the moment, but we intend to accomplish great things and have a great time together. As activity increases, the stars are the limit, we plan to increase weekly activities! Currently we are grouping every Tuesday at 9pm ET/6pm PT for clan activity, but look to expand our event times and days as we grow. [b]Who's Welcome?[/b] Anyone is welcome to join the Azure Wardens! We believe in upholding our universal Rules Charter as an Active, Organized, and Friendly Community, and keep a No-Drama policy! Whether you're brand new, a veteran, casual, hardcore, quiet, or loud, you've got a home in Azure! [b]Get Involved, or Try Us Out Today![/b] Since we use our Discord Server to begin grouping for our events at their start times, and use our server as a sort of base of operations for our clan and overall Azure Infinitum community, we welcome you to not only join our clan at the link toward the top, but also join us at our Discord Server at [url][/url] where you can choose the Destiny 2 role from our #role-select channel. Check out our Destiny 2 chat channel as well! You're also welcome to check out our community site where our Destiny 2 clan (Azure Wing) page lives and where you can register and join us and add your Destiny 2 character to our clan's roster at our main website found at [url][/url] Looking to see you there!

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