Ever since the first season that seal gilding was introduced, I have gilded by Dredgen seal. I've gilded it before the end of each season, and it only shows a gilding once I complete it, with no increment to show that I have multiple gildings - last season, it looked the same as the first season I gilded it. Additionally, it doesn't show past gildings in the non-gilded version of the current title.
[url=https://ibb.co/nn44TNQ]This[/url] screenshot shows that my gilding counter has never increased since before the first gilding, and [url=https://ibb.co/M1skCbx]this[/url] screenshot shows that I do in fact have two gildings.
[url=https://ibb.co/SV3Q8Kh]This[/url] is what my title displays as when the dredgen seal is equipped.
Is there any way to fix this?
The superscript text that shows the number of gildings only shows up to other players in-game. You won't see it when inspecting yourself. But other players in the game world when they look in your direction will see your title with the superscript number, even if the title isn't currently gilded, but had two or more previous gildings.