Two of my brothers fall behind for end game content and day one raids because of time restrictions. They love the end game content and day one attempts. So what I do is play on there accounts to get them ready after I'm leveled. Could that still result in a ban even if I stay away from comp and trials? Obviously the solution would be for them to just play but the time they have its not going to happen. If it'll result in a ban then helping them level obviously wouldn't be worth it.
No, it is meant to crack down on paid recovs and carries as that is breaking tos. Hoping on you’re buddies account to finish a quest or raid or whatever is fine because no one is making real money on it
You’re fine. I do this for my brother sometimes as well.
No you wont, it would be stupid if they did. Bans only makes sense if you go into trials and steamroll on an account that actually sucks at pvp. Trials carries are fine though, all bungie wants players to do is play the freaking game without cheating. Idk why some people just don’t get that, anyway I’m off topic. Leveling up doesn’t break any laws.
You won’t get banned for that. I’ve been doing my daughters account since D1. There’s no laws broken there.