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Edited by Krisander 1998: 8/26/2021 3:04:34 PM

Vault Space Capacity Increase is Really Needed

I was gone from January 2020 until Yesterday, i am shocked that the Vault Space still hasn't been increased. With the new Expansion (Beyond Light) and the new one coming soon (The Witch Queen) with all of the weapons, armor, ghost shells etc. 500 isn't enough, an increase to 1000 or higher is defently needed. Even if you want to do this the old way by giving us an increase by an game update or go a new route and put Vault Space Capacity Pages as an item in Eververse (like in Pokémon Go) No matter how you do it, its defently needed. Deleting armor and weapons to get new armor and weapons over and over again really kills the fun of the game, the sunsetting was a real blow to the old weapons I personally grinded for hours and almost killed the game for me, but this low capacity of the Vault Space is probably 10x worse than the sunsetting. Please, as quick as possible. Increase the Vault (1000+)

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  • Thanks for the feedback. Will include this as we pass up notes from the launch week.

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    116 Replies
    • Dmg speaks. Y’all who think we don’t need more vault space can go to sleep.

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    • Man, I can even imagine hitting the cap for my vault!!! But because it’s not my issue doesn’t mean it’s not an issues for others. But man, I I thought I was a hoarder 😂

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    • All these defenders of no vault space upgrade. So when bungie does decide to increase it, are you all going to come back here and cry about how much you didn't want it? Sheesh... Everyone needs to just stop worrying about what the next person wants. I mean why care if it is increased? Doesn't hurt anyone....

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    • Agreed and with all the new gear including stasis armor variants now in game its. I understand there are players out there not thinking its an issue and thats their opinion They dont have the diversity some of us like to have and some of us like having many options for running different setups. Not all of us run boring static loadouts. For example I have found this week I am runni g gear I havnt touched in a few seasons some of which is not currently dropping in game as part of the loot pool. I have some weapons for pve and pvp just with different rolls, and Ill likely have 2 or 3 rolls for some for pve alone. Its meant to be an rpg and what makes an rpg enjoyable is variety. Plus we also now have stasis armor aswell so thats likely at monimum another 10 slots per character for solid pve and pvp builds. Besides more space wont hurt .

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    • Edited by Soul: 8/27/2021 1:49:43 PM
      I agree. The game encourages you to have multiple versions of armors so you can make different stat builds so when you consider having multiple copies of most armors (including exotics), on 3 characters, then weapons on top of that, 500 spaces isn't much at all. However, if they start selling vault space they can take that and stick it where the traveller doesn't shine. This is a well overdue QoL requirement, not a shop item.

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    • “Just delete what you don’t use” Y’all play this game? Bungo plays meta roulette and I’m not going to waste my time regrinding rolls that they decided to make god tier. If you don’t need it then good for you, this post ain’t for you and there’s no reason to care if it’s increased. If you don’t utilize your space then you won’t care if u have more

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      8 Replies
      • How the hell do you have so many guns? How many do you use?

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        9 Replies
        • If the do this and think about going to 1000 they also need better sort options too IE 1. Sort by Kinetic, Energy,Power 2, Tab by Type Autos,Subs,Rockets ect 3.Tab for armour Head Chest Arms ect 2.1 Then sort by Arc Solar ect 2.2 God roll Identifyer would also be nice This would help find a certain weapon faster 1000 spots will just fill up and you be asking for even more

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          1 Reply
          • Completely agree

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          • I dismantled everything that got sunsetted bit every new season gives us another 2 sets of armor. I am constantly dismantling things to make room for more items.

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          • I’m kind of hoping for bigger ascendant shard and enhancement prism stacks or to let us store Shards and prisms in our vault like we can enhancement cores

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          • Another 1 for the mute list.

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          • I don't care what anyone says. More Vault space is desperately needed now.

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            3 Replies
            • For reference I'm considering deleting a character or two in order to keep all the weapons, knowing that weapons often never return and armour is just a retainable stat roll and the cosmetic is synthesisable.

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            • Edited by DNF2005: 8/26/2021 10:53:27 PM
              I am for more vault space as well One of the problems I see is all the bounty and quest requirements Grenade kills Melee kills Super kills Auto rifle kills Etc If I need grenade and auto rifle kills well I want an auto rifle with demolitionist If I need fusion and super kills I want a fusion with thresh Same can be applied for armor Grenade kills? well I want armor with high discipline I want to be EFFICIENT while playing and having more options is a good thing. Being efficient means having the appropriate gear That being said I don’t think vault space will ever happen Bungie nuked all your stuff from D1 and then introduced sun setting in D2 More vault space forces bungie to make better more powerful weapons otherwise why delete what you have if not to get something better ? Same applies for stuff getting nerfed into the ground. Once it sucks you are forced to grind for the new “most insane” seasonal weapon/armor. All in the name of efficiency Now I don’t like the idea of stuff getting nerfed or deleting stuff that was ridiculous hard to obtain but that is the hand bungie has dealt us

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              8 Replies
              • Edited by Jebus Kreist: 8/29/2021 10:15:55 AM
                I simply don't understand how someone can still have vault issues. The only time I've seen someone come close was a clan member who had such a problem we had like 3 people in a discord channel auditing his vault as he streamed it: [spoiler]-Duplicates of everything for no reason -Sometimes extreme amounts of duplicates as he banked bad-rolls while hunting a god roll -Weapons he will literally never use or have been basically replaced -A large variety of Sunset armour, bad roll armour, armour replaced by better rolls, and meme-roll armourYou don't need any of this especially because of the Cosmetic override system. -Multiple copies of armour because of "good rolls" in dumb stats[/spoiler] I'm a hoarder and like to collect a copy of most weapons (unless they're just bad). Stashing full stacks of resources in the vault. "Banking" glimmer with exotic sparrows. Keeping an unnecessary amount of gear on my characters at all times.[i] And I'm still sitting at 270 vault spaces out of 500.[/i] I want to see screenshots of peoples vaults as they complain about vault space. I haven't had this issue since [i]Season of the Splicer[/i] let me get rid of all the junk armour clearing up 200ish spaces. [b]And I still have some.[/b] Now I'm at 268. In Destiny1 the vault was a serious issue because it was extremely limited. Now the players are the problem.

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              • Edited by Blastin Foos: 8/29/2021 8:08:18 AM

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              • Capacity does not need increasing. I bet my house you don't use a quarter of the things you have hoarded away. Stop hoarding and you'll have space.

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              • Make collection’s work properly so you can get any gun back with the rolls you acquired before. This would help free up vault space

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                2 Replies
                • Why does anyone defend not expanding the vault at this point? We got it, there are minimalist and there are people who collect a lot of -blam!-. There is no disgrace in either faction.

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                  26 Replies
                  • As a y1 weapon hoarder even I don’t use 500

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                    6 Replies
                    • There's 4 specific activity why does anyone need more than 4 sets of armour as for guns there's no way anyone need a mountain of gun I've never gone over 200 slots and I've got nostalgia weapons in there and stuff that I use

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                      23 Replies
                      • I read this post the other day. But today it hit me .. they’re reluctant to Incrase the vault so that you have to delete some of your least favoured weapons. So when they’re re-released you have to grind for them all over again. Inflate the play time. So clear to me now lol. I’m only half kidding but I still think it’s true. Hopefully they do increase it. I could do with some space Thanks

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                      • Delete -blam!-

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                      • It dosent need more! It needs a better way to orginaze items! Also it should be directly avaible from the director. I never used the vault cause i delete stuff i dont use.

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