With every season we get more and more items in these bright engrams and the feeling of getting a purple ship, sparrow or ghost over and over again is so unenjoyable. I’ve been seeking the ornaments for outbreak and ruinous along side some emotes but I’m stuck rolling my eyes after getting the same legendary ghost for the 50th package.
Seriously as of making this post I’m rank 444 in the season pass and still have seen less than 4 new items since the beginning of the season. I get the idea of not making them guaranteed, but if I’m at 50 packages or more in a season and barely see any new items it’s just so frustrating and feels like my time invested is just a joke to bungie.
Well said. I strongly agree. There are many ornaments I don’t have still, yet as far as I’m concerned, are no longer in the loot pool. But man, have I gotten old sparrows and ghosts multiple times. Is the Gnawing Hunger ornament still in the pool? I really want there to be way to buy (or roll) more legendary ornaments.
They want that money you got in your pocket more than your dupe protection.
Just buy it from eververse...
Got an emote i already had, it went to post master, then it exchanged it for another emote I already had. What a mess this game can be
They did add a system that weights items you haven't gotten slightly more way back in BL.
Working as intended
You’ve got it all wrong. It doesn’t [i]feel[/i] like your time invested is a joke to them, it [i]is[/i] a joke to them.
They said last year that eververse seasonal goods would go into your package loot pool after 3seasons and it would be strongly weighted . I get like 1 new item a season and average around rank 400 it’s kinda pointless them even having the engram
Seriously no dupes, If a player has collected everything in that particular season then it should always give a random gift of bright dust
Close to level 350 for the season and I think I've gotten just 2 eververse exotics from the engrams with all that. So, yeah, the drop rate could probably use some tuning.
Getting the same emote twice from Eververse and since I had already paid for the 1st one makes no sense.
Same sparrow and same ship diffrient color , diffrient name are extremely awful. Just put past armor ornament in it. This will be huge gift for the solo players like me
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What would keep people playing if they got what they wanted? That just bad business
I don't understand. Am I the only person that never gets duplicates from bright engrams? I have over 2.5k hours and multiple hundreds of levels in every season pass, still no dupes. Idk maybe I'm special.
So you don't want the sane legendary 150 sparrow a few times??
My favorite part is that they add it to collections like it is something new eventhough you have already obtained it
Working as intended. They want you to feel like you NEED to spend silver when items are available to buy at eververse.
Please stop an go outside
Here, have another projection. People love those
[quote]With every season we get more and more items in these bright engrams and the feeling of getting a purple ship, sparrow or ghost over and over again is so unenjoyable. I’ve been seeking the ornaments for outbreak and ruinous along side some emotes but I’m stuck rolling my eyes after getting the same legendary ghost for the 50th package. Seriously as of making this post I’m rank 444 in the season pass and still have seen less than 4 new items since the beginning of the season. I get the idea of not making them guaranteed, but if I’m at 50 packages or more in a season and barely see any new items it’s just so frustrating and feels like my time invested is just a joke to bungie.[/quote] I’ve started deleting them when they drop, same with umbrals. Too much of the same stuff
Edited by Astrosa: 8/12/2021 7:27:17 AMCan I interest you with this beautiful purple sparrow