Can we at least get a date on when these are going to be fixed? I don’t remember the last time actual weapon drops were bugged and they took this long to fix. What’s the issue? Can you let us know what’s going on?
No negativity please. Just positive discussion and/or information. Thanks
Update: THEY FIXED IT!! Looks like they do care after all! Bungie stays winning
Finally fixed, I turned in a dozen bounties I'd been holding onto, got a bunch of armor, 1 Twilight Oath, 2 Abide the Return and a Tigerspite (ricochet rounds, ambitious assassin, and frenzy). I'm happy. 👍
It hurts the players ,so it will take a while to fix ,if this was a raid or grandmaster cheese it would be fixed by now
was it done ? any fix ?
Look at it this way - if it affects Eveverse or we are having fun, then it'll be fixed within a day or so. When it affects the players base then it'll be fixed whenever they feel like it, anything up to 2 years.
[quote]Can we at least get a date on when these are going to be fixed? [/quote] Bungie has never given a set time in 7 years to when things like this will be fixed, and that is even if they will fix them. Their answer has always been sometime later in other words and even mentioning it is a flip of a coin when it comes to their TWAB'S. Have they fixed the weapons that stop firing in the middle of a clip that has been an issue since the game launched?
it’s a known issue calm down your tigerspite can flipping wait
Praise the spaghetti code!!!
I agree and it’s a shame. I’m just hoping it’s taking so long because they are returning the original perks because honestly there’s no point otherwise
Edited by DabMan: 7/22/2021 5:49:19 PMAs someone who has some experience with coding (not a lot but enough to get the gist of it), I don't think we'll get an ETA on this because when dealing with a large section of code that needs to be bug tested, you have to find the problem and get it to work as intended. But given how DC likely won't be vaulted until Lightfall (Bungie can't legally remove it without making the remaining DC content free for one year minimum and letting us know in advance), I'd say it's on their priorities but not one of the major ones. Shame because Tigerspite has Overflow + Swashbucker... EDIT:
I thought the rerolled weapons only dropped through the weekly bounties/activities? It’s lame but that’s always been the case. Or is there some new issue with the already crappy system?
Maybe the hotfix tomorrow will address it? Taking bets.
Have you tried going into the raid?
What’s funny is I don’t have most the dreaming city weps unlocked I’ve gotten the auto, rocket and sword and it’s still only giving me useless armor. Bungie is so good at ignoring things like this to have ppl mindlessly farm for nothing
We can safely assume that the date is "never". Bungie have quite a track record of never fixing.
I got a waking vigil and the sleepless rocket launcher yesterday after doing 1 blind well run on two characters back-to-back. I don't know if it'll work. But have you tried switching your characters on and off between runs? Lord have mercy, I'm sorry for that. Fir real, it's worked for me every reset since they reissued the weapons. I could just have alright rng though.
I had gotten a Sleepless with chain reaction which was a perk from a season or two ago. Isn’t that a more recent perk? Or are there newer perks you’re referring to?
Edited by TarloDenn: 7/20/2021 10:27:37 PMThey've acknowledged the issue, so that's a start (known issues) I was bummed the first week when it became apparent that something was up. Done every legendary engram activity on all 3 characters & not a single new weapon. Sure enough, Reddit etc confirm it's not jus me. Still, is what it is. And the Moon weapons aren't too bad. And easily farmable.
When and if they do they should remove all the dreaming city armor from the loot pool or remove the once per char. Cap on blind well
[quote]Can we at least get a date on when these are going to be fixed? I don’t remember the last time actual weapon drops were bugged and they took this long to fix. What’s the issue? Can you let us know what’s going on? No negativity please. Just positive discussion and/or information. Thanks[/quote] My question is when are they going to fix banshee bug, cant infuse same weapons.
Use this time to stock up on legendary engram bounties. Yea they do need to fix this issue though. This is what happens when you take stuff out without a properly solution of replacing the content.
They haven't responded cause they don't care. Not trying to be negative, just giving my opinion. They added those weapons back for new players mostly, not old players, so us old players gotta wait for a fix. More than likely it won't be fixed until the start of next season, when supposedly the focus is the dreaming city.
I was looking for answers about Blindwells... is it really a bug rn?? So far I've only gotten a Vouchsafe.
No one care.
is it fixed ?