He wont stop making inappropriate joke about kingjulien from madagascar in a crappy mort voice plz help...
This is also just in, mid writing this post hes now talking in toads voice and describing Mario's feet....
[spoiler]in not joking, its been like this all week...[/spoiler]
I like to move it move it 😏
OMG someone made a animated recap of Madagascar and this was in it. I’m dying. Please show this to him. Then ctrl alt delete him.
My friend was doing that this morning…
Yes you should try, and if it doesnt work then just whack him a couple of times on the head with your keyboard, that will also work.
Also you could drop kick him [spoiler]I would do it [/spoiler]
did you try turning off the power and turning it on again? Sorry, I am not a computer tech!
The one benefit of having been a sad, lonely, only child. No cringy younger siblings while growing up.
Remember that your parents put up with behavior like that from you when you were his age......
Give the monitor a good whack That might not help but it sure will make you feel better
Format C: & reinstall OS
RIP Budgieking. I’m afraid I can’t help you buddy.
Heh, nice
Make him go on VR Chat
he's the messiah
Swat The Bot
Be excellent to each other. - old
What the -blam!-...?