This has been a frustration for me recently as I feel like I’m being punished for playing the game more than others. Within the past 2 weeks or so I’ve been GM ready and it’s gotten quite frustrating as I basically have nothing to do until gms are released. Same for the master raid. Currently I have no reason to grind the nf weapons as I’ll just delete them once I get the adept versions same for the raid weapons as of now.
By making the GMs available earlier it wouldn’t effect anyone in a negative way but give players with more time in the game or nothing to do a reason to play. Furthermore, this also makes the gilding of the conqueror title less stressful and annoying to get since you’ll only have it for 3 weeks anyway.
Time-gating gms only harms the game if anything, please just allow them to open earlier.
Edited by Kouz_MC: 6/12/2021 9:51:37 PMYep. There is nothing that I find worthy in the season pass. However if I could access GM from day 1 I would see an incentive in buying the season pass so I can get that +15 artefact bonus faster. That said, I believe GM NF should cap players 25 points under, whatever their light level, hence be accessible to all, all year long.