Had a dream where everybody was raving about this new gun called “Shadow Luna.” This time it was a random drop you could get from just playing either pvp or pve, and it came with random rolls, so you could get one with better range or stability. The thing that shocked me though was that the original magnificent howl had returned. Yet it seemed like it was a weapon of some other kind, as if it fired shots with an element type we’re not familiar with. Also, the weapon seemed to have this dark aura around it and it was all the more noticeable whenever the magnificent howl was activated. Those times you wake up though and you’re like man… that had to be a dream. Hope I get to see it in the future though and I’m like, deja vu! I’ve seen this in a dream!!
Not trying to be a sour perso but Lunas was the reason I stopped playing for a few months. If it returns with its original howl perk its gonna be a pvp meta. Still, if I don't gotta go through a quest to get it im down to give it a chance.