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Clan Recruitment

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5/28/2021 3:04:05 PM

XBO/PC - Rampant Fronting - Serious if you want to be, casual if you need to be. Discord/Raids/Crucible

Rampant Fronting has been around since Halo 2 in some way/shape/form and we're looking to recruit a few more so we can have a few groups going at the same time. We're all in our 20's/30's/40's and understand life gets in the way some times, so we are just looking for some people who still want to try and raid, crack some skulls in crucible or I guess gambit if we are having a particularly bad day full of self hate. Super laid back, no attendance requirements etc. Being on our discord is preferred as it's where we usually discuss raid plans or talk s**t. Current focuses are VOG obviously. We've got a core group going through along with a few other groups going through it so we're looking for more who want to learn, and want to teach. Message me on xbox, my GT is Chux or request to join on here.

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