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5/3/2021 11:03:04 AM


Bungie! Please fix this error code. Its made playing almost impossible and unenjoyable. If I die in game, match or freeworld, whether I am revived or respawn, enemies do not react to me, do not take damage, I gain no xp, ammo and other drops don't happen from combatants, I can't open chests, if I manage to finish in this state I might get the reward for the mission but I can smash tribute chests 10 times and they'll just reappear as if I never touched them in battlegrounds. In some missions I'll reach the boss and start cutting him down and, without having died even once, the boss and all combatants will simply start ignoring me and go into standby. The only thing I can really do is revive players. The exception to this seems to be gambit and crucible, but even they glitch and send me back to orbit sometimes. Seems like my connection to other players holds but everything else goes down. I could have done so much more with the hammer of proving this season for example, I feel cheated for paying for a season pass. We deserve a refund or discounted/free pass for the next season. How and when does bungie propose to resolve the issue?

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