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Edited by RatedM4Monkee: 5/3/2021 3:36:51 AM

Some Needed Love for Trace Rifles, Problems and Proposed Changes

Not to long ago, I completed my collection of trace rifles with the addition of Ruinous Effigy. Besides the fantastic feeling of slam dunking the purple basketball, it let me reflect on how little I see trace rifles being used. To let five unique exotics of the same archetype collect dust in players vaults is a waste, for they can bring so much more. I'm probably not the first to bring this up, but Trace Rifles are in much need of some good change. Currently, they're [b]an underwhelming option in both PVP and PVE[/b] compared to other in slot options and their identity as exotic energy weapons that require special ammo [b]restricts their build creativity[/b]. I'll go over some of the main problems as well as some solutions on how to bring back trace rifles in a new light. [u][b]The Main Problem[/b][/u] Trace Rifles are beam weapons with an identity that suggests precision and sustained DPS. Beyond it's variants and their exotic traits that give these weapons more versatility, the identity of the weapon archetype suggests great reward for precise aim. Yet, for both PVP and PVE, the reward for good aim with trace rifles is not enough compared to its other in slot variants, special ammo type variants, and even high rpm variants. These would include: > Exotic/Legendary Sniper Rifles > Exotic/Legendary Shotguns > Exotic/Legendary Fusion Rifles > Legendary Breach Load Grenade Launchers > Exotic/Legendary Auto Rifles When looking at these weapon types in PVP, nearly every weapon that uses special ammo has the potential for instant death in one shot. Comparably, Trace Rifles don't instantly kill opponents and have to compete with general ammo auto rifles. This disparity in ammo cost vs reward makes for an imbalanced ammo economy amongst trace rifles. This imbalance affects PVE as well, with trace rifles falling short in sustained DPS compared to other special ammo exotic/legendary variants. This problem is further amplified with trace rifles expensive use of special ammo. There are in game solutions to the ammo problem through the use of auto rifle ammo finder and auto rifle ammo scavenger armor mods, but the downsides lead to a lack of build freedom and creativity as points used on ammo mods could go towards combat style mods (charged with light) or general stat boosting mods. Beyond mods, all current trace rifles are exotic weapons, meaning no legendary trace rifles to pair with other exotic weapon alternatives. [b]To sum, Trace Rifles are ammo inefficient, perform sub-optimally, and stunt build freedom.[/b] [u][b]Changes and Updates[/b][/u] Each trace rifle boasts unique properties that make it excel in different situation, meaning not all changes need to apply to every trace rifle. This means changes to the overall archetype shouldn't be too extreme in which brings disorder and negatively impacts build and weapon diversity within the sandbox. So, for proposed overall changes: > More Trace Rifle ammo reserves. Allow players to use their trace rifles more often. > More Trace Rifle ammo on pickup. > Change Trace Rifles ammo from special to general. > Increase Trace Rifles DPS and TTK to match or be close to special weapons. > Blind instead of flinch These overall changes aim to either help Trace Rifles better fit into the special ammo archetype of high damage to high ammo cost or to give Trace Rifles better ammo management. Though some of these overall changes would be better on specific weapons, making overall changes will help to round out Trace Rifles as a whole to become a better weapon type as a whole. For proposed individual changes, these are focused on enhancing Trace Rifle exotic traits or giving them quality of life improvements. All proposed changes are individual changes unless specified that it's an added on sub-change. Coldheart > Change damage type from arc to stasis > Apply stasis effects while holding beam on target - Fully freeze enemies when reach 0 hp (sub-change) Prometheus Lens > Either make heat field larger or have it generate damaging heat pulses on max heat while holding beam on target > Targets send out damaging heat waves or explosions on death > Targets damaged by heat wave reach max heat faster when holding beam on target Divinity > Nothing to note for Divinity other than small ammo capacity Wave splitter > Store light orb charge until fired - Give initial shot improved accuracy and range (sub-change) Ruinous Effigy > More transmutation orb damage after hit with transmutation orb, not just beam damage - Keep in check to do less damage than swords (sub-change) > Increase orb slam radius based on enemy killed. Minors - 3 meters, Majors/Bosses/Guardians - 6 Meters - ~33% Damage resistance on orb slam > Keep transmutation orb after hunter dodge -not sure if intentional or if bugged- > Shoot non-equipped/not-picked-up transmutation orbs to deal AOE damage Let me know what you guys think about these ideas and post your own down below. This is in hopes to bring good change to Trace Rifles and for a more diverse sandbox.

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