i am having trouble deactivating steam cross save, why isn't there a more simple way to do this?
it's telling me i have to wait 28 since i purchased silver on xbox live account ands then once i do deactivate i have to wait another 90 days to activate cross save? That just dumb at this point considering i paid for a game and bought multiple copies for different platforms. All I am trying to do is remove a steam account i don't use since, i was able to recover my original account i would like to use for cross save. Please help because i refuse to wait a total of 128 just to link my original steam account with my xbox account just to play with my character on steam.
If you would like Bungie to disable cross save for you, please fill out the contact form here. https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049498031-Contact-Form-Cross-Save-Issues