I got an idea. At the end of Lightfall the pyramids are probably destroyed somehow. [i]So[/i] we could get the planets back. I know Bungie wanted to reduce file size, so what if each planet you have the option to download, and to unlock anything connected to it. That way if you don't mind having a giant game size, you can have acess to all the planets.
Also it would be nice to eventually go on a pyramid kind of like a Dreadnaught kind of thing.
What do you think?
They should've just done that from the beginning. Meanwhile 343i is running MCC with multiple game engines at the same time with like 6 games on it since 2014. Deleting 90% of the game because it's "too big" is just stupid. If you make a good game, people will not complain about game size, which is why a lot of people who play CoD religiously (and Warzone) don't mind those games taking up 300GB. Is it ridiculous? Yes, but I wouldn't mind having Destiny take up half of my storage if they were to unvault everything and completely get rid of sunsetting.