I am making a destiny machinima called "Faction Wars" I've made 3 episodes in the past but they were a long time ago. I want to pick it back up again and make sure it is very high quality. I need help with Body actors and Voice actors.
I am currently working on episode 4 and want to get it done as soon as possible. If you wanna be a part of this project let me know. I hope it will be loads of fun for you all and you will get shout outs in the credits of the episodes you helped with. I'll try and be organized when it comes to filming as to not take too much of your time. If you have and questions let me know.
Here is a video that might explain it better. https://youtu.be/SNxrJCvY8DY
Or there is this video explaining more of the story https://youtu.be/OwpYjTuyIzo
You can message me here or on Xbox Gamertag: Sir Reese30