Good day!
Since this tuesday I have troubles such as freezes when 3d models appears on the screen, long loadings and black screen when landing with a crush in the end - i simply cannot play destiny 2 anymore.
About video - sorry i recorded too early so start from 1:30.
i5 8400
16 gb ram
ssd (with win10) and hdd with the game
100mb/s internet.
What i tried:
Furmark and memory check is ok.
To install new drivers and recall old ones.
Reset video settings and turn them all to "low" in windowed and fullscreen modes.
To setup the game on another physical drive.
Checked game files, reinstalled it from zero.
Reinstalled my windows 10.
Rebooted router, changed router with a new one.
The pIng is around 200ms.
Ports are forwarded.
To login with another account.
To turn off and to clean shader cache.
Have just 22 friends in Steam. (i met topics saying that big amount may cause something)
Other games works just fine (Cyberpunk 2077, Overwatch etc.)
I've runned out of ideas. Help please.
Why is your ping still so high?