returning player of 1100 light (Hunter main but have all 3 classes at same light) looking for a big UK clan that has discord and maybe weekly activities or something (even tho I've been on destiny since the first game I've never done a raid so yea lol)
due to health reasons, I do have moments that I go inactive maybe weeks at a time so ideally looking for a big clan that has a lot of fairly active players but only kicks players if they haven't been on for more than a month.
I own destiny 1 on ps4 and I own destiny 2 on pc, box and ps4 but mainly play on pc.
also I'm 18+
DON'T MISS GAMING [¤] seeking gaurdians mines open, its gunna be massive, youll be a nice, fit, dont worry bout those other guys, we have a cool name :)
Hi, Unfortunate Retribution is a fairly new clan made up of NA & EU players. We are trying to build a a clan that balances both PVE and PVP. If you are tired of the Super Clans which feel more like an LFG than a clan and would like to be part of a great group, join the link below: Stop by our discord and say hi! - Look forward to seeing new members! Slim.