hello bungie team! I have been playing destiny since those early days and I still love this game as much and the fact that the crossplay is coming makes me love the game even more but the only thing holding me back is being stuck at 10 sensitivity and this since destiny 1. I think it will be better to increase it when crossplay arrives. of all the fps games i have played, destiny 2 and only one has such low sensitivity. Thank you in advance for taking your time to read this post.
PS: I also want to do a 360 in a millisecond to kill the guy who shoots me from behind. :)
Increasing the sensitivity is called the “intrinsic mobility mod”. If they just increased the sensitivity to 15 (or higher, idc because i dont use that mod) the mod could be removed completly. Then all these “mObIliTy MoD sHouLd BE inTRinsIc” people would shut up.