I know its not the first time it got brought up. I had my quest with cypher and i lost it because i had one in my inventory already. But i wouldnt even be mad if i could aquire next exotic cypher quest but i cant. And now i bought second exotic endgram like an idiot and i dont have exotic cypher for my erianas. Is there a way for bungie to return exotic cypher or at least make me able to aquire quest for it. I dont know if its bugged and i would not be able to aquire exotic cypher ever again or i need to wait for next week but my time playing is limited and waiting another week to do endgame content feels terrible. If bungie cant give me back my exotic cypher its fine but at least make me able to take the quest again.
Hey, You have to complete the abandoned quest before Xur will have another one for you. Since the quest currently cannot be picked up from the Quest Archive, you'll have to pick it up and complete it with a different character.