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3/17/2021 10:40:38 PM

It's sad that a t3 armor Umbral isn't a guaranteed 60+

I'm running a minimum of 3 battlegrounds to create one of these things (2 if I'm lucky with the rune), which is around 20mins with a solid group. In what universe is 20mins for an extremely subpar roll of any armor worth it compared to just running 3x dungeon CPs, DSC, or even the GMNF? I think umbrals need to be revisited before you throw them into our face again. The last time umbrals existed, they were amazing for farming rolls and getting gear with a reasonable effort. You've simply made it a boring slog of laggy, teleporting enemies and (if not heavyweight) bullet sponge bosses that can one-stomp you depending on the singe. Community, please do your thing and get Bungie to hear us on loot issues. We did it for Trials and GMNFs getting adept weapons/mods, let's fix the rest. Maybe we'll get old umbrals back in 2 years!

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  • Completely agree, it’s pathetic. I’ve done 3 T3 armours and all 3 were mid 50s, pointless! I decided to start getting the armours instead as I already had the weapon rolls I wanted, not even worth it. Although Battlegrounds were fun at first, they get very tedious with such a poor reward system

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  • ive focused 6 or 7 tier 3 umbrals for armour and i dont think one of them has been above 57. The chance of 60+ drops needs to be increased.

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  • the easier option is wild hunts if high tiered gear is what you're after.

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  • I've legitimately had higher stat rolls come from prime engrams than I have from the tier 3 decoder.

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  • I just open the umbral engrams without focusing them and mmediately shard for materials.

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  • Edited by infinity8: 3/18/2021 10:17:19 PM
    Waste of time trying to communicate with Bungie about it. This season is beyong the saving.

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    • Edited by Jackie Daytona: 3/19/2021 11:42:44 PM
      After unlocking the seasonal armor on my hunter and just taking the armor set on my warlock and titan I got a full set of the seasonal armor, excluding the bond and mark, that had 60 or higher for each. Sadly the season pass reward armor is FAR superior to anything I have been able to farm.

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    • It's funny that Bungie continues to tell us "high stat" armor is 53 or higher, even though they "listened" that this is really low to the people that actually play the game.

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    • Too Bungie a high stat is 1 stat over 15. It's a huge disconnect between Bungie and the playerbase.

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    • It's ridiculous you can run 9 battlegrounds and still only get a powerful. You get a pinnacle for running 3 strikes.

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    • That’s good to know now idk wtf ima do every week probably play gambit an try beating one of these legendary lost sectors.

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    • Worst seasonal content reward system ever.

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      10 Replies
      • 1
        It's sad that chosable perks on last slot isn't a harmer upgrade like it used to be

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      • Remember, Bungie dev once said that 50 plus armor stat is high...

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      • It’s sad that the entire Hammer levelling and focusing are so unrewarding. The BG activity is fun to play but you don’t receive anything great for your time invested. The Season Pass armour has the best base stats of any armour that I’ve received this season.

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        • Given that this is the very same feedback that was given to Bungie during Season of Arrivals regarding that season's Armor focused Umbral engrams and the same feedback given during the Season of the Hunt with the "High Stat" trophy mods for the Lure - one would think that Bungie would have done something different with the Chosen's "High Stat" armor engrams.

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        • Last season I used umbrals mainly for armor (after getting weapons I wanted) and found some nice Holdfast pieces I still use (and have masterworked). This season rolling armor is a total waste! Costs me 1 more shard than I get back from dismantling!? I found battlegrounds a little fun (hammer smash!) but not much reason to go back.

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        • I'm probably going to focus tier 3 once for the challenge and not give it a second look unless I see something change in the drops. I don't even give sub-60 armor a second look anymore because it's just not worth it for any kind of build. So I honestly don't get how Bungie could possibly consider it "high stat" armor. They quite frankly need to loosen up and accept the fact that being stingy with item drops does not make for a fun "reward" experience.

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        • Edited by Exo-777-: 3/18/2021 7:50:18 PM
          Upgradable armour and stats and rerolls via materials is the only solution Make the materials game wide to farm Make the cost substantial but fair As I keep saying DE and kuva and riven rerolling is a perfect example of a rerolling mechanic done right Bungie need to look at this

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        • T3 isn’t worth ist anyways. I’m not investing 5 Hammer Charges for a bow, when I wanted a sniper.

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          5 Replies
          • Its annoying that bungie still just cant grasp the fact that anything <58ish is an instant dismantle for anyone half dedicated to the game

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          • T3=Turd level 3

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          • Edited by COMBATICUS: 3/23/2021 12:03:11 AM
            Can one of the devs or community managers or whoever reply here. Because the OP is correct, and for me in my experience this season I have seen almost all of my gear whether it be raid, t3 engram, pinnacle, they all have been dropping between 55 and 58 points!! I mean rather should be guaranteed 60 minimum, why is all your end game activity rewards are just crap. Even if RnG isnt on our side but the stat points from end game shouldnt drop lower than 60 point. For crying out loud I got an exotic yesterday for the first time in 3 seasons out in the world, in gambit from a yellow bar, it was Gemini jester , and it dropped at 58 58point... To me this is their way of throttling us, I dont think they really stepped away from that. They just find other ways to throttle us. Even though destiny is slowly in certain areas are getting better, theres still alot of other things need fixing such as this issue like these.

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          • I've learned my lesson a long time ago. Learned it in D1 era. I don't care about stats anymore. They'll wipe it out eventually. Your gear, I mean.😂😂😂 They did it just recently! Will happen again!😂😂😂 I gave up on grinding for stats long time ago! In fact, I don't play anymore!😂😂😂 They took so much from us they're just trolling us by now! Learned it the hard way. But I learned. I learned that everything that you owned and grinded for will be 💩! It will! ...Again!!! 😂😂😂 Logic! 💩!

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            10 Replies
            • Edited by JazzyPaladin477: 3/18/2021 5:54:08 PM
              Umbrals are just a nuisance like they were last time. I get way better drops smashing chests and doing activities then I ever get from the engrams, I basically had all the god roles befor I was even able to focus an engram. if I could delete them on sight I would. Ugly ass low stat armor most of the time. They just fill up your postmaster and you have to fly to helm for some reason to go through a cumbersome 3 step process to focus/get rid of them. The chalice system was sooooooooooooo much better. Even the saint 14 time machine thing was way better.

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            • Idk what stats are good, any of mine?

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