Solo exo challenge safeguard heroic. If you kill the boss at the same time that you die and the ziggurat goes to -1% health, you can respawn and the objective is completed, however the screen goes completely black. You can still interact with objects, glimmer that you pick up will appear on the overlay, technically you could open the chest (if you can find it), you can shoot and use abilities, you can use your menus. Players can join you, and they will immediately get the same fade-out to darkness when they join.
Platform: PC (steam)
Date of issue: 2021.03.01
Fireteam: Solo
Activity launched from destinations menu
Steps to reproduce: launch exo challenge safeguard heroic solo. Kill the boss at the same time as the ziggurat goes to -1% health and that you also die.
I had basically the same issue on PS4 when the ziggurat health went to 0 and I just barely finished killing the boss. In my case, I didn't die. The screen fades out before the time officially expires. I think it would make sense if Bungie just removes the fade-out effect. It doesn't add anything and leads to this weird condition in (I'm assuming) various circumstances like these. Or else, don't start to fade the screen out until the value actually reaches 0 in a way that prevents the player from completing the challenge.