I've been playing every playlist grinding rolls for the playlist exclusive weapons but honestly, it feels really bad to have played, for example, 5-6 hours of PvP in a row and to not have ANY new weapons drop. Literally 0 weapons let alone the new ones have dropped. Same with playing hours of Gambit or Strikes with literally 0 drops. It really is time to up the drop rate on these guns. If they have random rolls, then they need to drop more often to be able to farm for rolls that we'd like to use.
Edit: Since there are a lot of people that assume I meant Nightfall weapons, that is a source that I believe could be bumped a bit as well but my main post was about the 6 new weapons found in the core playlists like Gambit, PvP and Strikes (2 new weapons per playlist for a total of 6).
Be careful how you word the topic because this topic is very sensitive half of the community are okay with the current drop rate of weapons like Shadow price and the other half want the drop rate to be increased.