I know it's been 2 or maybe more months since beyond light launched and removed or sunset half of the content that literally everyone liked, Although they sunset the content I feel like Black Armory and Forges for weapons and armor should come back.
Black Armory is arguably one of the best seasons to me for weapons, armor, and content. It is just horrible for bungie to sunset and vault this content and have us get rid of our god rolls, although Black Armory is Great alot of people don't like grinding forges for decent and maybe god roll weapons and bringing back forges and Black Armory might be similar to what's happening with the dreaming city and moon armor and weapons in season 13 I think it would be good because bungie would bring back at least a medium percentage of the good weapons and armor or to maybe make new weapons and bring back the old ones as well. Also the menagerie and season of opulence was amazing I am strongly more into the Black Armory content
Edit: another argument is that black Armory, SOTP, and forges were in the EDZ and this was one of the Locations that was not removed in beyond light same with the leviathan and menagerie
Rumor has it if they Unsunset your gear “Solarus” will Unsunset his business!
Edited by kronk: 1/29/2021 12:46:31 AMPLEASE YES PLEASE, I would just be happy if they added BA weapons to umbral engrams honestly. love those guns.
Edited by Seraph: 1/29/2021 5:24:05 PMI miss the Black Armory weapons. Especially my Hammerhead, and Blast Furnace. The Armor was also pretty dope.
I ran the Scourge of the Past raid quite a bit in pursuit of the oh so pretty Scout Rifle. Only got it once and it was the curated version. I don’t like full auto on scouts and zen moment was pretty obsolete on that but damn is it a pretty gun.
Menagerie was better than Forges. Forges was dull an boring after the first 25 attempts. Glad you liked them so much but for a lot of us they were a major time waste. After getting all the weapons, armor and shaders there was little reason to ever go back. But to get the ship had to do 100 powerful, talk about a time waste for a ship. At least with Menagerie you could try to focus pick your stuff an not just the weapon type and leave the rest up to RNGesus
It should have never been STOLEN from us to start with just like everything else that was taken!
Oh boy. I can't wait to have to regrind my Blast Furnace to have Full Auto and Headseeker. Just like the one that I already have.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Bungie murmuring about bringing back a menagerie-esque activity sometime in the future?
If i had my black armory stuff back i might go back to playing
I agree. For some reason my load out was blast furnace, jotun, and hammerhead. I just like how they felt and had good overall damage.
Not an argument or incredibly related to this post, just a statement. We paid $10 for Black Armory and we paid $10 for Season of the Hunt. I think BA was immensely better. But in the end seasons only hang around for a year, and that's after Bungie's reconsideration of FOMO.
Might as well, that's the way they do it now.
My forge collection is why I hate sunsetting. It took me a year to get all of the curated rolls and I still refuse to break them down!
I very much miss my Blast Furnace. I was lucky and got a God roll almost immediately and it was one of my most loved and thus used guns!
Yeah I agree. I miss my blast furnace, kindled orchid and hammer head.
They will re sell it back to you so they can make easy money bc bungie is the laziest developer on the planet
Does anyone know if s13 will be introducing any new machine guns? I know the reissued Dreaming City and Moon weapons definitely don't include one..
I still use my God Rolled Blast Furnace in PVP.
Been saying this since they sunset it. Makes no sense lore wise or game wise to get rid of the black armory weapons, some of the best and most powerful guns in the game and in lore
Don’t worry it will be back! Bungie will find a creative way to sell it back to you somehow!
I miss Ada....... :,(
i agree, i want my shit back
I never really got the chance to play black armory. I was too late to the party, I would welcome its return.
Edited by botbot1973: 1/29/2021 9:43:36 AMDestiny doesn’t know what it is. It does repetitive content for the majority and end game content for the few who can get a team together. The majority pay for the minority’s game and bungie think that’s cool. The forge was for the majority (matchmaking) so it was not important to the bungie illusion of having an elite gaming experience. We all know why and who is responsible for this continued approach to the majority of destiny players. My opinion anyway.