Enough is enough... stasis Hunters with Bakris is all I see in PvP. Literally. Running either Felwinter or Crimson.
120 handcannons are now basically unbeatable in 99% of the situations. In the top 10 meta there are [b]7[/b] handcannons.
Is this the state of PvP now?
Omg how did we manage to end up so bad??
Is there any point at all in using other weapon types? Is it either handcannons or nothing again? Are we back to Forsaken with Luna & Not forgotten?
Is there any point at all in running something other than Hunter?
All I keep ending up against is stasis hunters.
Stasis has completely wiped all other subclasses for PvP.
Top tree dawn the best class in pvp. Warlock stasis with ahamkaras and 100 strength is ez mode. If they nerf stasis to the ground, dawn is going to get nerfed next. And it will be all stasis ruined in the end. Hit hunter, then titans, then back to warlocks. Until its all garbage. Gotta love this community.