Bungie !!
I hope someone from Bungie read all this infos from Guardians! Could you answer about restrictions?
I'm not using ANY cheat soft, I'm not cheater, just enjoyed pure game. Now I got ban for Gambit/Crucible, why?
My internet connection is perfect, my hardware is good.
I wanna enjoy that game!
Bungie! Wake up!!
The forums are not able to assist with appeals of restrictions or bans. However, there is a process in place for you to appeal your ban or restriction. Please review the [b]Contact Form: Appeal Ban or Restriction article[/b] [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=48629]found here.[/url] Please note that, as mentioned in the article, there is [u]no guarantee[/u] for a response, nor is there a guarantee that your ban or restriction will be overturned. Additionally, requests for additional information, such as the reason for a ban, will be disregarded. For more information on Bungie's policy regarding bans and restrictions, [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/11929]please review the policy here[/url].