I cant even express into words how frustrating playing against stasis is especially in trials. I dont even take pvp seriously and it just absolutely irritates me. I just want to have fun. I cant count the amount of times I’m shooting someone about to kill them and i’m frozen or slowed for 2 - 4 seconds, 4 SECONDS for gods sakes or some stupid hunter just throws a glacier grenade when he’s a pixel and slams down. I cant even get away in time because that piece of crap kills in 7 metres
Why am i being punished for hitting my shots?, just trying to play better? or just trying to have fun?
I really just don’t understand who runs bungie or if they even play test these things. It just blows my mind how incompetent these decisions are
Funny anyone speaks of hunters op shatter dive and everyone says nah its fine bruh git gud....yet just a little while ago another grenade ability was said to be op although used by the small 10% warlock class called hand held super nova. Go figure bungie nerfed it and the super into the fuking dirt destroying the entire spec. Now we are seeing identical if not more op in shatter dive except now its the 60% hunters....wont hear anyone say nerf it or will it ever be done for fear of making youtubers cry.