I first found this place in January of 2019 (has it really already been that long?). The first thing I saw was about a billion posts about the presidential election, which I took to be the actual election, even though there wasn't one. Needless to say, I was very confused. Anyways, I made a couple joke posts that no one saw, and slowly learned about this wonderful garbage heap.
Hm... I downloaded the app during the summer last year, I think, but I never really ventured down into Offtopic. I just remember all the “salt,” so after a while I just stopped using the app. It must have been in the fall of that year that I made my first post, which regrettably was a bait post I thought people “just do” here. Looking back, that was pretty dumb, lol. Like a month later I noticed some of the cooler things that happen here compared to other offtopic sub forums, so I lurked around a bit. To be honest, I think it was the RPs that got me going. The first one I saw was actually when Dink came in with his big ship to kidnap Blaze (and failed)! I think that was in the fall, anyway... time seems to just melt together sometimes, lol. Very glad I found this place, though. I really appreciate the kindness of some of the people I’ve met. I’ve only been in OT for about a year and it’s... still strange to see how things have changed.