Can't tell you how many times I've been domed through flinch.
"Just hit your shots lmao" - Don't give me that. I'm an Ace/Sunshot player, and even with Ace's ridiculous flinch and Sunshot's explosive rounds I still find myself getting domed, and there's nothing I can do about it.
"Just get behind cover" - Tell me that again whenever you've been hit behind a wall for the 20th time in a row because of this game's absolute shite networking and braindead aim assist.
This simple change would do wonders for the Crucible. No more getting shot through flinch, unless people just start no-scoping everything.
Any shot shouldn’t descope l, but if someone lands multiple crits on someone hard scoped it should descope. There’s been so many times I land every shot into someone’s head only to get 1 shot by their sniper rifle. If you’re being consistently crit hit your likely hood of landing A crit should be next to none. Snipers are supposed to be a finesse long range weapon, not a point blank weapon, which is what they are right now.