Been using the arsenic bite for longer than I can remember and spent far too many hours grinding for my favourite perks, and building up my crucible kills, it's the only reason I still played destiny, I loved the ability to jump around blasting arrows at everything I see but y'all had to go and power cap it at 1060 for absolutely no reason...I understand some of the OP weapons being capped, due to the immense amount of players using them, you're trying to create a more diverse range of weapons but why in the world did you cap a bow that I've never seen more than a handful of players use?
So sadly I'm uninstalling and will probably never turn this game on ever again. You've lost yourself a beyond loyal customer.
It was mine too. I got two more just like it and even a better one after sunsetting. Plus you can grind dark priestess for biting winds. It's like arsenic but hits like calamity. Nm don't care.....bye