Hey I am currently looking for a Active Clan in Destiny 2.
I need a clan that can help me improve my gameplay and characters.
Raiding is something ive never done but i want to learn about it.
I play on PC.
For more quetions hit me up.
niffow the god
light lvl. 1011
You may fit in well with my clan, and we are looking for a few more positive players to join our community! We're a small, multi-game clan for PC. We are active in crucible, gambits, strikes and raids. We're a bit more on the relaxed, casual side of things. Our focus is on cultivating a community for our members, who can become great friends, and even a second family. Being sweaty or the best isn't even on our radar. We are eager to accept anyone that wants to be an active, integral presence in a growing community. If you want to apply, or hop in our discord and hang out, [url=https://thebrotherhoodofgames.com/]come visit our site[/url]!