So my friends gifted me the season pass a few months back as a means to try and get me interested in playing the game with them. Surprise! It totally worked. However I have been getting sick very frequently and having doctor visits and so my play time is a bit sporadic. My friends helped me grind a ton of stuff during these last two weeks and I have [i]almost[/i] everything I need for the Forerunner title, which would be the first seal I ever get. The only thing holding me back is a couple of the seasonal mods and it's impossible for me to get the 2 I need within the 1 day left of the season.
This is pretty whiny and all but is there any way at all that I can have an opportunity to get those? I don't care if you take every bit of glimmer and shards I have, I just really wanted this and after working so hard to get the other triumphs done it's extremely upsetting that the one part missing is something that I can't achieve with any amount of effort. I might get one more tomorrow if I'm lucky but that would actually upset me more to know I was so close. Please Bungie? ;-;
Hello. If they do not appear in rotation, then there is no way for you to get Forerunner at this time.