Whether this is an umbral engram style focusing for armor drops or a way to reconfigure stats after masterworking, I could care less. I would really just like a way to have more control over where my stats are going. It really sucks getting armor with 20+ stat in something that is unwanted and 2 in the desired stat.
The stat totals are great. I've been getting tons of 60+ totals in Prophecy runs, but my Warlock is tired of getting 20+ Mobility or Resilience and 2 Recovery.
After reading and replying to some of the comments below, I have landed on my 3 preferred solutions.
-1: An umbral engram focusing method for all armor drops
-2: A change to the stats themselves so there are less wasted points. (Example: Stats drop as 0 or some multiple of five / Or stats return to the D2 Year 1 method of increments of 1 tier for one stat point, ranging from a scale of 0 to 10)
-3: Returning control of Mobility, Resilience, and Recovery to the players, similar to how it was in D1, but leave the other stats unchanged
Of these the 3rd is my personal favorite and most preferred, but the first seems to fit the gameplay identity of Destiny more. The 2nd is okay, not my most favorite, but one I think could work even if it is a regression.
Edited by ZoniCat: 11/8/2020 6:26:23 PMImagine a Season of Siva, where the seasonal activity completion allows you to increase a single stat of one of your armor pieces by 3, at the cost of decreasing another stat by 3. The activity wouldn't even need it's own armor or weapon set and it would still be one of the most rewarding activities in the game.
Edited by Kiro - 13: 11/9/2020 7:33:25 PMarmor is governed by said rules. When the item rolls it has 2 sets. Pirmary stats(res, rec, mob) and secondary stats(dis, int, str), no one set may roll 2 stats at 18+ before masterworking. No single stats can roll more then 28 before masterwork, no stat can roll below 2, and gear is caped at 68points max before masterwork. So some of your ideas would just not work such as putting a stat to zero, as they would have to likely re-haul the armor system then. I dont see them changing the armor system tbh because what you want more or less exists but they want an RNG nature. Secondly bungie has said they do not intend for player to be able to max out 2 primary stats which was the reason for pow friends nerf. But it can still be accomplished with really good gear, which as they said they dont want. A theoretical high end piece could have the stats of 17/17/28/2/2/2.
Edited by JazzyPaladin477: 11/8/2020 11:44:51 PMThey need to get rid of wasted stat points. Either make everything in increments of 10 or make it so each single point has an effect on the ability. Having a stat end in 9 should not mean you have wasted 9 points. The layers of rng on armor builds is mind boggling. You need high stat roll armor pieces. Then you need high stat roll armor with the correct distributions. Then you need to find full sets of high stat armor pieces, with the right stats, that actually complement each other so that the important stats add up to an exact multiple of 10, so you are not wasting 1-9 points on every stat. Somebody could waste quite a bit of time writing an algorithm to analyze all the hundreds of thousands of combinations bits of armor in your vault to find just the right combination.
Now for a price of 1000 silver you can change 5 stat points!
Anything that decreases grind Bungie won't do. Get back on that hamster wheel!
I would prefer if the stats system just worked on a 1 to 100 basis and do away with the 10-tiered system. For example (fake numbers); say that 80 recov gives you a 20% increased regeneration rate and 90 gives you a 28% increase. Make it so 85 recov gives you a 24% increase.
Be cool if through merely playing the game, our stats increased until maxed out in each category.
I want more control of RNG. Change the algorithm so it caters the drop rate percentage, to the weapons you use the most. Im tired of getting weapons i dont even look at, that will end up being shards
Edited by Gemini Trash: 11/8/2020 8:36:36 PMI'm just gonna say it. I liked how stats distributed better in Y1. Just 1-10 no stat points wasted. Currently if your points don't round up to 10 it may as well be 0 because you're not benefiting from it I appreciate that our D1 stats came back into Destiny's spot light and I think they belong in Destiny 100%, but honestly fellas count up the points that are wasted on your character right now and imagine how those points could be helping your character be better.
I still think us having complete control of resilience, mobility, and recovery then the others being the random rolls would be a good balance
You know I had this idea a few days ago along with an idea about weapons as well. But that would make to much of a problem when it comes to balance. So I would like to share but I would either get hate or people calling me stupid so I would rather not talk about it because I know how this forum is.
I’d take a system where I can just add a couple +1’s
Those 100 stats where only every 10th counts needs to go. Instead of 40 50 60 stats on high armor we should get 4 5 6 stat increases. This would remove the frustrating part of making an armor set, and removes some broken RNG.
Stats need to matter in increments of 1or at least increments of 5 rather than increments of 10. Currently, any stat not ending with a 0 digit is just a waste of stat points.
I very much enjoy the more rpg direction we're going in but yes as of current it's very rough. Stats themselves need changing. Like faster CD's is nice. But it shouldn't be the only effect. Intellect needs changing purely because of that. Res needs to be more impactful. etc. A more controlled method to bump the armor stats that's not just left to mod slots should exist as well. slightly off topic but my biggest issue with Destiny still is how much progression is gated and random. Both with gear and also with light level. I really do yearn for the day where players had a character level for accessing content and light level was an extra bump to how much oomph you output.
Or just give additional increments at each 5 stat points.
There are currently too many stats on armor for RNG to be viable. Mobility, Resilience, and Recovery adjustments should be moved back to the skill trees, where they belong. There was nothing wrong with the D1 armor stat system.
Bungie needs to implement better ways to get gear you want regardless. Sunset my gear, sunset my business.
As much as I would like to have more control of Armor stats or maybe even just more consistency, implementing such things would remove 98% of the game's "content". You know; the repetition, grinding, and bad RNG. I guess at least we will have one new world with "dynamic weather" to run circles in while endlessly grinding.
It would be cool if the 12 stats from master working your armour could be allocated to specific stats. Or Maybe 6 to spend on Mobility, resilience and recovery and the other 6 between intellect, discipline and strength. It would give a lot more forgiveness to what we might call poorly rolled armour.
Destiny is about grinding. To make one able to always reroll the stats would take that away
D2 is a RNG based game. I mean sure everybody want to drop the desired stat bur if you don't have Any RNG into it well its not worth playing anymore. Its like dropping a raid exotic but you drop it everytime you kill the final boss. That would kill any excitation. Sorry dude, but I do not agree with you
Improved armor focusing from the umbrals is probably the best we've had so far. People have reacted positively to it, I'm sure Bungie will bring more systems like this in the future. As for random drops in activities, world, Xur, etc... good luck out there.