After countless hours spent researching ways to fix my low framerates i think i've narrowed it down to a ryzen issue.
How many other people have Ryzen processors and are experiencing lower framerates than usual?
If your one of these people.....was the game running fine before? if so, when was it running fine?
Has bungie said anything about optimizing the game to run better on Ryzen processors?
I think I just fixed my fps problems. I opened my windows power settings and found that my preference had been switched to a default windows 'balanced' profile. I changed it back to what I had it on (a custom power plan designed for ryzen cpus by 1usmus) and my frames look back up to where they should be. Even if you're not running a custom power profile, check your power settings and see if you've been bumped from an official ryzen one down to a default windows setting. Also as I entered the tower I hit run/slide as I usually to when moving and it opened the steam chat/friends overlay (sometimes happens when I sprint after first loading into a zone, has always done this for me) and I closed it immediately. One of these two things seems to have fixed my framerate.