So the bright dust change is to screw us ? Again ? I mean.... Think about it. We're gain more bright dust with the Season pass ( that's good) but it's " fixed " rewards, when you are at level 100 you can't get extra bright dust from the pass. And the week bounties are going to give us only 100 instead of 200 ? This is NOT an improvement. Adding more bright dust to the Season pass which is a fixed reward and reduce bright from bounties which is a repeatable rewards over weeks does the exact opposition of what you said. It will reduce the bright dust for everyone, pushing us to use real money at Eververse. This is wrong. Plus the prices are still too high ( hello legendary ghost Projection, multiplayer exotic emote and finishers ) and with this change we're gonna be able to buy less than before. This is not player-friendly Bungie. Yes, i'm mad about this change and i'm really hope everyone will see the problem with this change.
I have been doing bright dust all weeks with all three,currently sitting on 88k bright dust and decide to do this? Like really? There's actual people who literally spend hours n hours in their game and they decide to cut a very essential currency in half ?? What's next spend more time to complete the so called challenges instead of bounties and get less dust? Instead of giving more reason for someone to grind all three characters you take away the opposite....